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Favorite Activities Web Pages

Sweetwater Highschool


Favorite Web Sites

My three favorite websites are Myspace, 23isback and I like to use Myspace for social networking and when I'm bored at home and have nothing to do. I also like sneakers so I go to 23isback and check updates on the web, so I can know what will be release. I enjoy football, so I'm always on to see news and other stuff like stats and videos of whats going around the league. These are the websites that I check out when I'm on the World Wide Web.

Career Choices

  1. Professional Athlete
  2. Musician
  3. Artist

The 3 careers I choose are Professional Athlete, Musician and becoming an Artist. My number one choice was to become a professional athlete becasue it is a dream to get paid for playing a sport you love to do and have losts of people who come watch you perform each and every game. My second choice is to be a musican and make my own music for other people around the world to listen to and enjoy. My last choice is to become an artist and create images, graphics and my own style of different arts to someday be seen and publish throughout the mainstream.

Type in Web Master Information

Practice Web site for Dreamweaver
Web Publishing Course 3187
Sweetwaster High School
Last modified: April 9th, 2010
Web Page designed by E.A.